• Edge Side APIs (ESA) is an architecture pattern, that allows the creation of more reliable, more efficient, and less resource-intensive APIs. This architecture revives the main REST/HATEOAS principles while taking full advantage of the new capabilities provided by the web platform.

    ESA promotes a mixed approach, synchronous and asynchronous, which allows a great simplicity of development and use, performances rarely reached, and the possibility for the clients to receive updates of the resource it fetched in real-time. Finally, ESA proposes to build on existing standards to expose documentation allowing the creation of generic clients, capable of discovering the capabilities of the API at runtime.

    Read the White Paper or browse Kevin Dunglas's presentation:

  • Atomic resource

    Resources served by the API must be small, atomic documents. The API must not embed related resources but instead expose them through an URL. Big resources should be splitted using one-to-one relations exposed by an URL.
    More informations at the @api-platform/ld documentation

  • Pre-generate

    This website's API is full static and can be hosted at edge.

  • HTTP

    Click on the links to show status codes, benefit from private browser's cache without any configuration.

  • Preload

    We preloaded the /books resource on this page.

  • Push

    Live updates to every clients

Welcome! Open a few of these links, you can then update resources using the form at the bottom of the page.
To understand what happens under the hood, we recommend to open your developer tools on the Network tab.